Digital dreams crossing over the sea...
Welcome to the deadlock of reality.
Enjoy your stay in this vast cyberspace.


Here is my contact information, as well as other places where you can find me.
I would love to meet more people, so feel free to message me :)

  • Matrix: QHVzZXI6a3ViaWtpbGwubWF0cml4Lm9yZw==
  • XMPP: a3ViaWtpbGxANDA0LmNpdHk=
  • E-mail: a3ViaWtpbGxAbWFpbGJveC5vcmc= Public PGP key
  • Steam: aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGVhbWNvbW11bml0eS5jb20vaWQva3ViaWtpbGwv
  • Discord: a3ViaWtpbGw=
Since you have disabled JavaScript, the decoder animations will not work. Instead, you'll have to decode those Base64 strings yourself. You can use an online decoder for them.

I'm also here but I don't check these often and will be slow to respond.

  • Mastodon: aHR0cHM6Ly9zb2NpYWwueWVzdGVyd2ViLm9yZy9Aa3ViaWtpbGw=
  • Escargot: a3ViaWtpbGxAZXNjYXJnb3QuY2hhdA==
  • SpaceHey: aHR0cHM6Ly9zcGFjZWhleS5jb20va3ViaWtpbGw=